316 bar goel stainless stainless

316 bar sudut stainless stainless

Katerangan pondok:

  • Spésifikasi:Astma A276, Asme S276
  • Kelas:304, 304L, 316, 316l, 321
  • Panjang:6000, 6100 mm, 12000, 12100 mm panjang
  • Rengse:Hideung, terang, digosok, dihurungkeun, dihurungkeun, No.4 bérés, Matts
  • Jénmén produk

    Tag produk

    Spésifikasi Baja Barless Baraya Baraya:
    Standar Asst A276, A484, A479, A580, A582, J582, JIG G4 g410, PS DPAT / T 1224, PS 1220, PS 1220
    Material Taun 201.20,20,5, XM-19 jsb.
    301,30,304,304L, 304H, 309-an, 3110, 314,316L, 316TI, 3121 kaét, 3148,330,330,331,330
    409,410,416,420,430,430f, 431,440
    220,5,2507, S31803,2209,630,632,13d, 17-4p, 90-20L, F51,257, F51,257, F51,257, F51,357, F51,357
    Beungeuteun Ngeusi batesan, kulit garing, caang, garis rambut,, eunteung
    Téknologi Hot dipredis, dilas, bengkok
    Spésifikasi 20 * 20 * 3mm -100 * 100 * 10mm atanapi salaku sudut anu henteu diperyogikeun
    Kasabaran sakumaha diperyogikeun

    Sakysteel nyaéta316 sudut baja stainlessPanyebaran sareng panyaman di China, khusus dina panalungtikan, pangembangan sareng produksi 356 sirung baja stainless;

    Aisi 316l Star henteu tahan, S3166L, S31603, En1.444, X2boRimo, SS 316GEY Ruangan (Ming Chill - Mustionth - Merularang, Mering-luhur)

    Standar Werkstoff Nr. Un Jis BS Gn Hob Afnor EN
    SS 316 1.4401 / 1,4436 S31600 SS 316 316s31 / 316S33 - Z7cnd17-11-02 X5crnimo17-12-2 / x3cnimo17-13-3
    Ss 316l 1.4404 / 1,4435 S31603 SS 316L 316S11 / 316S13 03ch17N14M3 / 03ch17n14m2 Z3cnd17-11-02 / Z3CND18-14-03 X2crnimo17-12-2 / x2cnimo18-14-3


    SS 316 / 316l Welless Warna Kimia
    Kelas C Mn Si P S Cr Mo Ni N
    SS 316 0,08 Max 2.0 Max 1.0 Max 0,045 max 0,030 Max 16.00 - 18.00 2.00 - 3.00 11.00 - 14,00 67.845 mnt
    Ss 316l 0,035 max 2.0 Max 1.0 Max 0,045 max 0,030 Max 16.00 - 18.00 2.00 - 3.00 10.00 - 14,00 68,89 mnt


    Perténaran Titik lebur Kakuatan regangan Kakuatan ngahasilkeun (0,2% offset) Elongasi
    8.0 g / cm3 1400 ° C (2550 ° F) PSI - 75000, MPA - 515 PSI - 30000, MPA - 205 35%


    Ukuran beusi stainless stainless:
    Ukuran (mm) Beurat perMéter (kg) Ukuran (mm) Beurat perMéter (kg)
    20 x 20 x 3 0,88 50 x 50 x 10 7.11
    25 x 25 x 3 1.12 60 x 60 x 5 4.58
    25 x 25 x 5 1.78 60 x 60 x 6 5.40
    25 x 25 x 6 2.09 60 x 60 x 10 8.69
    30 x 30 x 3 1.35 70 x 70 x 6 6.35
    30 x 30 x 5 2.17 70 x 70 x 10 10.30
    30 x 30 x 6 2.56 75 x 75 x 6 7.37
    40 x 40 x 3 1,83 75 x 75 x 10 11.95
    40 x 40 x 5 2.96 80 x 8 8 x 6 7.89
    40 x 40 x 6 3.51 80 x 80 x10 12.80
    50 x 50 x 3 2.30 100 x 100 x 6 9.20
    50 x 50 x 5 3.75 100 x 100 x 10 15.0
    50 x 50 x 6 4.46    

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