I-Hardy Stainess yentsimbi

Ubunzima bentsimbi yentsimbi engenasitayile esibonisa umfanekiso

Inkcazo emfutshane:

  • Ibanga:301, 302, 303, 304, 3044h, 304hc
  • Umgangatho:I-GB, i-ASTM, AISI
  • Ububanzi:I-0.01-25mm
  • Umphezulu:iqaqambile, inamafu, icacile, imnyama
  • Iinkcukacha zemveliso

    Iimpawu zeMveliso

    Iinkcukacha zentsimbi yentsimbi engenasitayile.

    1) Ibakala: I-ASTM: 2013, 202, 301, 302, 304, 312, 316l, 316, i-316lcu, 321, 410, 410, 410, 410, 410, I-420, i-430, 430l
    DIN / EN: 1.4301, 1.4306, 1.4307, 1.4551, 1.455, 1.455, 1.455, 1.455, 1.455,455, 1.4370, 1.4016
    2) Umgangatho: GB, uSUS, i-ASTM, AII, EN, Din, Jis, i-BS, i-BS, ikwaye eminye imigangatho yehlabathi yehlabathi.
    I-3) Ububanzi: 0.01-25mm
    4) Umphezulu: Iqaqambile, inamafu, icacile, imnyama
    I-5) Imeko: UWire Hire
    6) Uhlobo: I-hydrogen, isihloko esibandayo, esibandayo, sinenziwa
    7) Ukupakisha: kwi-Coil okanye kwi-spool
    Iphakheji ye-1.10,10,15,20,20,550,500Kg / i-coil.
    2. Ifakwe ifilimu yeplastiki ngaphakathi kunye neengxowa ezilukiweyo okanye iibhokisi ezingaphandle.
    I-3.Bulk ipakishwe kwiPallet, iboshwe yifilimu yeplastiki kunye neengcingo ze-Tie.
    4.Umsebenzi wakho.

    Ibanga le-cire yentsimbi engenabala
    Chwetheza i-AISI C max% Mn max% P max% S max% I-MAX% Cr% I-NI% Mo%
    201 I-0.15 5.50-7.50 I-0.06 I-0.03 1 16.000-18.00 0.5 -
    202 I-0.15 7.50-10.00 I-0.06 I-0.03 1 17.00-19.00 3.-0-5.00 -
    204cu I-0.08 6.5-8.5 I-0.06 I-0.03 2 16.0-17.0 1.5-3.0 -
    302 I-0.15 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 1 17.00-19.00 8.000.00 -
    I-302hq / I-0.03 2 I-0.045 I-0.02 1 17.00-19.00 9.00-10.00 -
    I-304HC I-0.04 I-0.80-1.70 I-0.04 I-0.015 I-0.3-0.6 18-19 8.5-9.5 -
    303 I-0.07 2 I-0.045 I-0.25 imiz 1 17-19 8.0-10.0 0.6
    304 I-0.08 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 1 18.00-20.00 8.0-10.50 -
    I-304L I-0.03 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 1 18.00-20.00 8.00-12.00 -
    I-310 s I-0.055 1.5 I-0.04 0.005 0.7 25.0-28.0 19-22 -
    314 I-0.25 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 1.50-3.00 23.00.00 19.00-22.00 -
    316 I-0.06 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 1 16.00-18.00 10.00-14.00 2.00-3.00
    I-316l I-0.03 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 1 16.00-18.00 10.00-14.00 2.00-3.00
    I-316TI I-0.08 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 0.75 16.00-18.00 10.00-14.00 2.00-3.00
    347 I-0.08 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 1 17.00-19.00 9.00-13.00 -
    321 I-0.06 2 I-0.045 I-0.01 .40-.60 17-19.00 9.4-9.6 -
    308 I-0.08 2 I-0.045 I-0.03 1 17-19 9.5-13.0 -
    I-3088l I-0.025 1.50 / 2.00 I-0.025 I-0.02 0.5 I-19.0 / 21.0 9.5 / 11.0 -
    309 I-0.08 1.50 / 2.50 I-0.02 I-0.015 0.5 23.0 / 25.0 20.0 / 14.0 -
    I-309l I-0.025 1.50 / 2.50 I-0.02 I-0.015 0.5 23.0 / 25.0 12.0 / 14.0 -
    I-316l I-0.02 1.50 / 2.00 I-0.02 I-0.02 0.5 I-18.0 / 20.0 12.00-14.00 2.00-3.00
    I-430l I-0.03 1 I-0.04 I-0.03 1 16.00-18.00 -
    434 I-0.08 1 I-0.04 I-0.03 1 16.00-18.00 - I-0.90-1.40

    Isicelo: Intsimbi engenasimo inokusetyenziswa ngokubanzi kumashishini, ukwakhiwa, ukuhonjiswa, ubomi, ezonyango, ishishini lekhemikhali, i-solar, inqwelo moya, njl njl.
    Ukusetyenziswa kweMveliso: I-SS yasentwasahlobo esetyenziselwa iNtwasahlobo, isikhafu, i-rope, i-wire ye-wire, i-wish, i-pire, i-pire, i-wish, i-wish, intambo, intambo, intambo, intambo, intambo, intambo ye-wire, intambo , izixhobo ezifihlakeleyo, izixhobo zentsimbi, izixhobo ze-elektroniki, i-Anti = I-Anti = i-Wire, iFreen Nare, ilangatye leKitchelore, njl.

    I-TAGS eshushu: I-HARDINGS STINARD STEALSINARDS, abathengisi, ixabiso, ukuthengisa

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  • Okulandelayo:

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    Iimveliso ezinxulumene noko