Zovala zosapanga masamba 304

Zovala zosapanga dzimbiri 304 zolimbitsa thupi

Kufotokozera kwaifupi:

  • Muyezo:Asme / ANI B16.9
  • Mtundu:Wosawoneka bwino / wowonda / wopangidwa
  • Kukula kwake:1/8 "nb mpaka 48" nb
  • Makulidwe:Sch 5s, Sch 10s, Sch 40s
  • Tsatanetsatane wazogulitsa

    Matamba a malonda

    Zovala za SS

    Kapangidwe kakang'ono ka chitsulo chosapanga dzimbiri - ss chitoliro choyenereratu chaposachedwa - ss screaded chitoliro, SS Scdwing Ortings Opanga Opanga.


    Chizindikiro chazomwe zimayambitsa dzimbiri za patakhazikika 304 zoyenerera:
    Wofanana Asme / ANIHI B16.9, asme B16.28, MS-SP-43
    Mtundu Wosawoneka bwino / wowonda / wopangidwa
    Kukula 1/8 "NB mpaka 48" NB. (Zopanda nsapato & 100% x-ray welded, zopangidwa)
    Kuwerama radius: R = 1d, 2d, 3d, 5d, 6d, 8d, 10d kapena mwambo
    Kukula Sch 5s, Sch 10s, Sch 40s, Sch 80s, Sch 160s, Sch xxs
    Dothi               galasi ,,
    Ngodya yazinthu 5 ° (180)
    Kupanga kalasi   Chitsulo chosapanga dzimbiri, alsoy chitsulo, duplex, nickel olosi, kutentha pang'ono, kutentha kwa kaboni, kakhoboni, kakho cador


    Mitundu ya Asme B16.9 Ma Toitt Tottings:
    ASMM A403 Wp304 90 ° Asme B16.9 SS 90 ° Aler Radius Asme B16.9 SS 45 ° Radius Sward
    Asme B16.9ss 90 ° Flay Shilown Asme B16.9 SS 90 ° Aler Radius Asme B16.9 SS 45 ° Radius Sward
     Asme B16.9 SS 45 ° Shiri ya Ristow Asme B16.9 SS 180 ° Flor Sturbon  Asme B16.9 SS 180 ° Brity Ribow
    Asme B16.9 SS 45 ° Shiri ya Ristow Asme B16.9 SS 180 ° Flor Sturbon Asme B16.9 SS 180 ° Brity Ribow
     Asme B16.9 SS 1d  Asme B16.9 SS 1.5D  Asme B16.9 SS 3D
    Asme B16.9 SS 1d Asme B16.9 SS 1.5D Asme B16.9 SS 3D
     Asme B16.9 SS 5d ASMM A403 Wp304 90 °  Asme B16.9 SS OWLADED TELBLES
    Asme B16.9 SS 5d Asme B16.9 SS Yopanda SNSLADLING 45 ° ndi 90 ° Mayer Asme B16.9 SS OWLADED TELBLES
     Asme B16.9 SS Yopanda Scdwild BiomLing 180 ° ikubwerera  Asme B16.9 SS Tees ndi mitanda  Asme B16.9 SS Tees ndi mitanda
    Asme B16.9 SS Yopanda Scdwild BiomLing 180 ° ikubwerera Asme B16.9 SS Tees ndi mitanda Asme B16.9 SS akuchepetsa ma tepi otumphukira ndikuchepetsa mitanda yotulutsa
     Asme B16.9 SS ofanana Tee  Asme B16.9 SS kuchepetsa te  Asme B16.9 SS kofanana pamtanda
    Asme B16.9 SS ofanana Tee Asme B16.9 SS kuchepetsa te Asme B16.9 SS kofanana pamtanda
     Asme B16.9 SS akuchepetsa mtanda  Asme B16.9 SS Chepersrs  Asme B16.9 SS kutsika
    Asme B16.9 SS akuchepetsa mtanda Asme B16.9 SS Chepersrs Asme B16.9 SS kutsika
    Asme B16.9 SS ECENCENTIC Publecer Asme B16.9 SS SHUPEnd Asme B16.9 SS Lap Jount Stob
    Asme B16.9 SS ECENCENTIC Publecer Asme B16.9 SS SHUPEnd Asme B16.9 SS Lap Jount Stob
    Asme B16.9 SS Stuobend Asme B16.9 SS SWEDge Nipple Asme B16.9 SS Chip
    Asme B16.9 SS Stuobend Asme B16.9 SS SWEDge Nipple Asme B16.9 SS Chip
    Asme B16.9 SS IPIP Asme B16.9 SS Kutsogolo Asme B16.9 SS akuchepetsa chiwindi
    Asme B16.9 SS IPIP Asme B16.9 SS Kutsogolo Asme B16.9 SS akuchepetsa chiwindi


    Asme B16.9 STWWODWD 90 Degree elbon Mitundu yomwe ilipo:
    150 de. Mayini Chipongwe chachitsulo
    Copper Nickel 90 deg 90 ° afupifupi stard
    Asme B16.9 90 Regius Star Stubor Sinthani madontho 10 90
    Zojambula zosapanga dzimbiri 90 pa chipamba chipamba DETWWWWD WHEVbow 90 digiri
    ANI B16.9 90 Degree Budweld Worder Titanium 90 Mlingo
    Wotchera 90 deg Zosasangalatsa 90 ° chipaka chipaso
    Kaboni shael 90deg.edeg Wokwera kwambiri 90 ° Elbowr wopanga
    Astme A403 Osapanga dzimbiri 90 Duptux Steel 90 ° PIP
    Intelsel Thipt Inld 90 deg chipole Fund Bod Well Radius 90 Decter Allius
    ICKKEL Inoy 90 ° FOSTOLELOY 90 ° PIP SUBS Schoot
    Asme B16.28 Stgawd 90 Degree erbow kunja Super duplex steple 90 degn


    Zogulitsa Zamalonda ndi Zovala Zamankhwala (kg):
    DN Ndondomeko 10 Ndondomeko 40s Ndondomeko 80s
    90 °Chibondono 45 °Chibondono OfananaOpena 90 °Chibondono 45 °Chibondono OfananaOpena 90 °Chibondono 45 °Chibondono OfananaOpena
    8 0.02 0,01 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.07
    10 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.09
    15 0.06 0.03 0.09 0.08 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.14
    20 0.07 0.03 0.13 0.08 0.04 0.17 0.11 0.05 0.20
    25 0.14 0.08 0.28 0.15 0.11 0.29 0.22 0.14 0.38
    32 0.23 0.11 0.49 0.26 0.17 0.59 0.40 0.23 0.68
    40 0.30 0.17 0.68 0.40 0.23 0.86 0.51 0.29 1.02
    50 0,50 0.25 0.85 0,70 0.40 1.28 0.91 0.59 1.59
    65 0.85 0.48 1.41 1.40 0.77 2.19 1.81 0.99 3.13
    80 1.25 0.63 1.77 2.20 1.08 3.31 2.97 1.50 4.45
    90 1.70 0.75 2.67 2.83 1.42 4.08 4.00 2.00 5.44
    100 2.10 1.08 3.46 4.47 2.09 5.27 6.18 2.81 7.71
    150 5.45 2.72 8.07 10.89 5.44 10.99 16.32 8.16 13.16
    200 10.20 5.33 15.65 21.54 10.77 20.91 33.11 16.56 28.12
    250 18.15 9.75 26.46 38.56 19.27 35.38 51.71 25.86 49.90
    300 25.80 13.62 39.46 59.42 29.71 62.14 79.38 39.69 83.91


    ASME B16.9 STEWORD Phukusi la Forts:

    phukusi loyenerera

    Buttwold 90 den. Ntchito Yogwiritsa Ntchito:

    Asme B16.9 90 Mlingo wa Mlingo womwe umadziwika kuti amapereka magwiridwe apadera ndipo nthawi zambiri amapangidwa kuti athe kukumana ndi zomwe akufuna. Timapereka mitengo yotakata ya streadd 90 degreen mu bloide yapadziko lonse lapansi yonyamula masheya. Izi 90Dg. Budweld elow imagwiritsidwa ntchito m'mafashoni osiyanasiyana monga:

    • 90 ° Elbor imagwiritsa ntchito m'makampani a Peter & Pulp
    • Chitsulo chosapanga dzimbiri 90 ° Budweld elobow amagwiritsa ntchito mafuta ndi mafuta
    • 90 ° Bottdwild chipika chimagwiritsa ntchito mu mankhwala
    • Alloy Steel 90 ° Fubo limagwiritsa ntchito pa mapaipi
    • Budweld 90 degree chipika chimagwiritsa ntchito mu kutentha kwambiri
    • 90 digiri stweld elobow imagwiritsa ntchito mzere wamadzi
    • A ANI B16.9 DETWODWS 90 ° chipika chikho
    • 90 ° Degger erford gwiritsani ntchito zolimbitsa thupi
    • Buttweld 90 ° Flor Studius Inbow imagwiritsa ntchito nsalu ndi yotchera ntchito
    • 90 ° Budweld elobow amagwiritsa ntchito pazakudya zopangira zakudya ndi mkaka
    • Buttweld 90 ° Afupifupi amagwiritsa ntchito ma bovbon a Boiler & heatexcha



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    Zogulitsa Zogwirizana