Tabung pipa stainless steel

Gambar baja baja stainless steel Terbentuk

Katrangan Singkat:

  • Spesifikasi:ASTM A / Asme Sa213
  • Kelas:304,310, 310, 314, 316
  • Teknik:Panas-panas, kadhemen
  • Length:5.8m, 6m, 12m & Dawane dibutuhake
  • Detail Produk

    Tag Produk

    Spesifikasi Tabung Pipa Steainless Steel
    Jeneng Tabung pipa stainless steel
    Standar ASTM A312 A269 A270
    Kelas material TP304 / 304L TP316 / 316L TP347 TP347H TP321 TP310 TP310S
    TP410 TP410S TP403 TP420 TP446
    S31803 / S32205 S32750 S32750
    Diameter njaba Pipa lancar: 6mm-1219mm
    Pipa kecerat: 8mm-1219mm
    Ketebalan Pipa lancar: 0,6mm - 30mm
    Pipa keceled: 0.5mm-25mm
    Dawane 5.8-6.1 m utawa minangka panjaluk pelanggan
    Toleransi Acording menyang standar.
    Lumahing 180g, 320G, 400G Satin / Lariffline
    400g, 500g, 600g utawa 800G pangilon rampung
    Aplikasi Industri petrokimia, industri pupuk kimia, industri nyaring minyak, industri minyak lan gas, industri cahya, industri panganan, pulp lan industri kertas, energi lan lingkungan.
    Tes Tes Squash, Tes Lengkap, Tes Tes Tes Air, Tes Crystal Rot, Perawatan Panas, NDT


    Kelas Komposisi Kimia (%)
      C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo
    201 <0.15 <1.00 5.5 ~ 7.5 <0.060 <0.030 3.50 ~ 5.50 16.00 ~ 18.00  
    301 <0.15 <1.00 <2.00 <0.045 <0.030 6.00 ~ 8.00 16.00 ~ 18.00  
    302 <0.15 <1.00 <2.00 <0.045 <0.030 8.00 ~ 10.00 17.00 ~ 19.00  
    304 <0.08 <1.00 <2.00 <0.045 <0.030 8.00 ~ 10,50 18.00 ~ 20.00 -
    304l <0.030 <1.00 <2.00 <0.045 <0.030 9.00 ~ 13.50 18.00 ~ 20.00 -
    316 <0.045 <1.00 <2.00 <0.045 <0.030 10.00 ~ 14.00 10.00 ~ 18.00 2.00 ~ 3.00
    316l <0.030 <1.00 <2.00 <0.045 <0.030 12.00 ~ 15.00 16.00 ~ 18.00 2.00 ~ 3.00
    430 <0.12 <0.75 <1.00 <0,040 <0.030 <0.00 16.00 ~ 18.00 -
    430a <0.06 <0,50 <0,50 <0.030 <0,50 <0,25 14.00 ~ 17.00 -


    Dhaptar standar Kode sing ditrapake No. Kelas baja
    ASTM A213, A269, A312,
    A789, A790, B677, A268
    TP304 / L / H, TP310 / S / H, TP316 / L / H, TP317 / H, S31803 / h, S31803, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205,
    S32304, S31500, TP904L, TP410, TP430, TP405, TP409 / 409l
    Asme SA213, SA312, SA789,
    SA790, sb677
    TP304 / L / H, TP310 / S / H, TP316 / L / H, TP317 / H, S31803 / h, S31803, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205, S32205,
    S32304, S31500, TP904L
    Jis Jis g3459, jis g3463 SUS 304TB, SUS304HTB, SUS304LTB, SUS310TB, SUS310STB,
    SUS316TB, Sus316LTB, Sus316Titb, Sus317TB, Sus317Ltb,
    Sus321tb, sus321htb, sus347tb, sus347htb
    En & din En 10216-5,
    DIN 17456, DIN 17458
    1.4301, 1.4307, 1.4541, 1,4878, 1.4401, 1.4404,1.4571,
    1.4550,1.4438,4438, 1.4436,1.4435,1.4462, 1.4539, 1.4912, 1.4362
    GB & GB / T G b13296
    GB / T14976
    0cr18ni9,00cr19ni10,0cr19ni10,0cr18ni10ti, 0cr18ni11nb, 0cr17ni12mo2,

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